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It's All About You, yoga and more...

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Welcome to It's All About You, yoga and more ...

Helping you live calmer, happier, and healthier!

closeup of woman meditating

New Student Deal!!

30 days for $45

30 days of unlimited general classes for $45 so you can come on in and find the classes that work for you. This deal does not apply to workshops or other classes which do NOT use General Class packages.

New Student Sign-up

→    Step-by-Step New Student Sign-up Process    ←

Note: For those of you who do not have a computer at home we have a computer at the studio so you will be able to add yourself to our system. We will also accept credit cards as well as cash and local checks.

Is Yoga For Me?

If you came here curious and wondering if Yoga is for you. It is! Yoga is for everyone of every age, and of every frame and shape: dancer, football player, mom, martial artist, secretary, brother, teenager, grandfather.... It does not matter who you are. Yoga has something to offer everyone.

If that does not convince you please check out some Testimonials or our Photo Gallery, or a few articles about us in the newspaper.

Our new student package is 30 Days for $45, so you have nothing to lose by giving this life changing practice a try. =) We look forward to seeing you in class!


Website Survey

After you have spent some time perusing our website please take a moment to fill out a 12 question survey and tell us what you think.

Team Member Feedback Form

Feel free to use our IAAY Team Member Feeback Form to post your comments, thoughts and/or thanks on our team members. Please take the time if you feel so inclined to let us know you thoughts.

IAAY in the News

Here is a link articles about us:


Yoga Retreat to Italy (Aug 2025)


You will enjoy 7 days in the peaceful beauty of Lake Como, surrounded by  mountains and stunning views. Enjoy daily yoga, meditation, delicious and vibrant food, and lots of time… just for you!

General Info

Date  - Aug 20 - 27 (7 nights)
Min  - 8 people
Max  - 16 people

Where -   Eco Village Om-Nia Town, Italy
Core Retreat Price  - $2500

Check out our full information page on this retreat!

In-Person Classes

On the schedule you will see both the in-person class which will be listed with just the name of the class, and the online class will have (online) after it's class name like normal. We will still try to stream some of our classes too, so you can have both options for classes depending on how you are feeling.

Notes for In-Person Classes:

  • DO NOT come to the studio if you have even slight signs of being sick or not feeling well, or have been exposed to anyone who may be sick recently.
  • Bring Your Own Mat and Props - Please bring your own mats and props. If you need to buy some we have some for sale too. If you need to use ours they will be sanitized as well as we can.
  • Class Sizes
    • Classes that are in-person only will be limited to 12 people
    • Classes that are both In-person/Online will be limited to 10 people.
    • Mindbody has a waitlist function in case classes start getting full.

Online Classes

Classes Through Zoom

We are still having classes held online through Zoom.

YouTube Channel

You should also take a look at our YouTube channel we created which has quite a few videos on it with new videos being added each month, so you can safely get your yoga fix whenever and wherever you want. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share us too.

Selling IAAY Products!

We are now selling the following in the studio:

  • various essential oil sprays
  • mats
  • blocks
  • straps

Meet and Greets

For those of you who are Yoga curious, or who may feel shy, or may just have questions that you would like to have answered we can arrange for a ~20 minute meeting with one of our instructors. The most convenient times for us would be just following one of our classes. If you would like to schedule a Meet and Greet for a different time that can be arranged as well. To schedule a Meet and Greet just contact us.